Welcome to Camp Brimacombe!
Getting Ready For Camp
Information to make both your summer and your camper's summer awesome!
Whether this is your first time or your fifth summer with us, please take a moment to review the information below so you’re prepared for your time at Camp Brimacombe!
Health, Safety & Other Policies
We take the safety of your child very seriously. Please review our key policies to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable camp experience.
Every camper and staff member has the right to feel safe and comfortable at camp. Brimacombe will make every reasonable effort to provide a safe and nurturing environment for everyone in our camp setting.
Campers are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and courteous manner towards staff, other campers and their natural surroundings. Our expectations will be discussed with each camper on the first day of camp and on an ongoing basis.
Campers who persist in behaviour that is dangerous to themselves, staff and/or other campers, or adversely affects the quality of the camp program and surrounding environment, may be requested to leave the Camp program for the day and/or remaining week(s) enrolled. No refunds will be issued if a participant is dismissed from program.
Brimacombe does not tolerate bullying, in any of its forms. Our goal is to provide a safe, cooperative and stable environment where our campers can thrive.
We recognize that bullying can have adverse effects on a camper’s development and experience and Brimacombe is ready to respond to any forms of bullying, including but not limited to, verbal, physical, emotional and any situation that creates discomfort for a camper or staff member.
All staff are trained in strategies to quickly and effectively deal with and dispel any issues that may arise. Brimacombe’s supervisors and management team will also be directly involved in addressing these issues and creating meaningful dialogue at camp, in conjunction with support from involved families, to achieve a positive resolution.
Campers who persist in bullying behaviours that adversely affect staff and/or other campers, or adversely affects the quality of the camp program and surrounding environments, may be requested to leave the Camp program for the day and/or remaining week(s) enrolled.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to help prepare their campers for camp, taking an active role in contributing to a positive climate of inclusion and respect. We encourage parents/guardians to go over Camp Brimacombe’s Anti-Bullying Commitment with their campers, as well as discuss proactive strategies for how to ensure cooperation and inclusion between other campers. Parents/guardians are encouraged to emphasize that if their camper feels excluded, they are to let their camp counsellor know right away.
All campers are asked to bring a hat and a lightweight long-sleeved shirt to camp.
It is asked that sunscreen be applied prior to drop off at camp, and a labelled bottle be sent to camp with the camper. Staff will reapply sunscreen with campers after water play and as needed throughout the day. Campers must come to camp with their own sunscreen and bug spray. These items cannot be shared between camp groups; therefore, siblings will not be able to share sunscreen/bug spray.
Children will receive frequent water breaks throughout the day. Please send your camper with a reusable water bottle.
During camp, if severe weather should occur, camp staff shall adjust schedules and make appropriate arrangements to ensure the comfort and safety of all participants.
In the case of hot weather, staff will modify camp activities in order to promote the health and safety of all campers. This will include frequent water breaks by drinking and refilling water bottles, and the adjustment of activities to shaded and cooler areas. These precautions will allow campers to enjoy a fun and safe camp experience even during the hottest days.
Camps are run outside rain or shine, unless there is severe weather, so we ask campers to dress and pack appropriately. On some days, it may be necessary for campers to bring rain boots, umbrella, splash pants, change of clothes, etc.
Please indicate on your camper’s Health & Safety Form any medication your child will be taking while at camp.
Camp Brimacombe’s first priority is the safety and well-being of all participants, which is why Camp Brimacombe believes when a child is ill, it is in the best interest of the child and all other participants for the ill child to remain at home where he or she will be more comfortable and able to rest outside of a group care setting. However, we do recognize that certain, non-communicable/non-transferable medical conditions may arise, requiring administration of medication while in camp care which is why Camp Brimacombe has guidelines in place for the administration of medication during camp hours. (For medication related to a chronic illness/condition or Anaphylaxis, please see related section).
Camp Brimacombe staff will only administer medication if the medication is provided in the original container and is:
• Prescribed by a doctor, with a clear prescription label, and meeting Brimacombe’s medication identification standards listed in our Medication Administration Policy; OR
• If over the counter, accompanied by a detailed doctor’s note/prescription label meeting the criteria listed in our Medication Administration Policy.
The camper’s parent/guardian will be responsible for completing Camp Brimacombe’s Medication Administration Form (MAF), stating dosage amount, time of dosage and reason for medication, prior to the medication being accepted at camp. This form is available on the Camp website.
The camper’s parent/guardian may be contacted for clarification and/or further questions, and both the camper’s parent/guardian and Camp Staff must sign off on the final plan, to be submitted to the Camp Director.
If a camper has been identified as requiring medication for a specific time period, supporting medication must be provided. Campers who arrive without their prescribed medication(s), or in a manner that does not meet requirements, will not be admitted into Camp until the medication is provided and/or all requirements are met.
All campers who have an identified anaphylactic allergy and have been prescribed an epinephrine auto-injector (EAI) (ex. EPI-PEN) are required to have at least one non-expired EAI on-site each day at camp.
All allergies, including anaphylactic allergies, should be reported on the Camper’s Health & Safety Form.
The camper’s parent/guardian will also be responsible for reviewing Camp Brimacombe’s Anaphylaxis Policy and completing an Anaphylactic Emergency Plan (AEP) form, available on the Camp website, in order to complete the camp application process. This individualized plan will outline the child's anaphylactic allergies, monitoring and avoidance strategies, signs and symptoms of allergic reaction and action to be taken by staff in the event of an allergic reaction.
The camper’s parent/guardian may be contacted for clarification and/or further questions, and both the camper’s parent/guardian and Camp Director must sign off on the final plan.
At Camp Brimacombe we provide an Allergen/Nut-Sensitive environment, meaning that while Brimacombe is not an allergen/nut-free environment, efforts will be made to mitigate known allergens in camp.
Brimacombe does not provide any foods that directly contain nuts or nut products within our meal plan and makes every reasonable effort to accommodate food allergies, however our products are not guaranteed to be “nut-free” due to manufacturing and preparation processes.
We strongly encourage families to refrain from sending foods with nut products or known allergens, specific to your camper’s week, to camp.
Brimacombe is pro-active in educating all families about allergies prior to and during camp:
• An email identifying known allergens will be sent, prior to the commencement of camp.
• There will also be a posted list of all known allergens at the main entrance of the building.
• We encourage all families to read labels and to only send allergen-free products to camp.
• We have a ‘no sharing food’ policy. Mealtime is monitored closely by Counsellors who supervise and eat with campers during lunch and snack times.
• If items containing allergens arrive to camp, a staff member will ensure that the child with the allergen is situated at a designated place within the unit, away from the camper with the allergy.
What Can Your Family Do To Help?
We ask all camper families to be mindful of nut and other identified allergies and kindly respect our ALLERGEN/NUT-SENSITIVE environment.
• Please review the list of known allergens specific to your camper’s week(s) of camp, which will be emailed out prior to their first day, and make every effort not to send food to camp that may contain those items we have asked to be avoided.
• In the case of nut allergies, please also read ingredient labels before you send food and sunscreen to camp as many foods and personal care products contain traces of nuts and peanut products.
• Ensure face and hands are thoroughly washed with soap and water before leaving home in the morning, especially if food containing peanuts or nut products was consumed.
• Remind campers of our camp’s “no sharing food” policy.
What does "May Contain Traces of Nuts" mean?
It means that even if the food does not directly contain peanuts, it may have come in contact with peanuts/nuts and is not safe for a person with a nut allergy. A product might come in contact with peanuts/nuts if it is made in a place that also makes other products that do contain nuts. Many foods and personal care products contain traces of nuts and peanut products.
Please keep in mind that the emergency treatment of anaphylactic allergies involves the immediate injection of medication with an epinephrine auto injector (ex. Epipen®) and a trip to the hospital. Your help in following the simple steps listed above will ensure we are all working together to provide a safe environment for everyone.
All camp staff are trained and certified in Standard First Aid and CPR. All staff onsite have also received education and training related to COVID-19 and are committed to following policies and procedures to prevent and control the spread of infectious diseases including COVID-19.
Any individual who has any of symptoms of COVID-19, as outlined on the Ministry of Health's COVID-19 website or who has come in close contact with a person with symptoms of/or confirmed COVID-19 in the past 14 days will be denied entry. Camp participants who display signs of communicable/infectious illness, even those not associated with COVID-19, will not be allowed to attend the program.
In all cases, when a camper becomes ill at camp and/or requires medical emergency care, their parent/guardian will be notified. If they exhibit symptoms of COVID-19, or another transferable/communicable illness, immediate steps will also be taken to isolate both the camper and any close contacts. In any case of suspected COVID-19, Brimacombe will contact and proceed under the advisement of the local public health department.
If the camper is unable to rejoin camp activities, you will be asked to pick up your camper immediately. Staff will take every effort to make your child comfortable. For the best interests of the individual and camp, any camper who is ill will be sent home.
Should an accident occur requiring emergency transportation, the parent/guardian and/or emergency contact will be notified. A staff member will accompany the child to hospital, and wait until the parent/guardian/emergency contact arrives. At no time will a camper be left alone.
Parents/guardians are to keep their camper home from camp if they are diagnosed with a transferable/communicable illness and/or exhibit any sign or symptom of a transferable/communicable illness, including but not limited to:
• Fever (temperature of 37.8C/100F or higher)
• New or worsening cough
• Difficulty breathing including shortness of breath or rapid breathing
• New smell (olfactory) or taste disorder
• Nausea/vomiting
• Diarrhea/Abdominal Pain
• Sore throat/Difficulty Swallowing
• Runny Nose or Nasal Congestion, in absence of underlying reason for these symptoms such as seasonal allergies, post nasal drip, etc.
• Undiagnosed ski rash
• Eyes are red (conjunctivitis/pink eye) or yellow, bowel movement is grey or white, to urine is dark or tea coloured
In the event that a camper is suspected of having COVID-19, and/or displays any of the above or other symptoms of a transferable/communicable illness during camp or within 14 days of attending camp, we ask that parents notify us immediately to allow us to take appropriate measures. For the summer of 2022, an appropriate back-to-camp plan will be established on a case-by-case basis.
Help us make certain we have the best and most up-to-date health information concerning your camper. Even if your camper is perfectly healthy, we need to have that information on file so we know how to respond to any immediate need without hesitation, should an accident or emergency occur.
As part of the Camp Application package, all campers must complete a Camper Health & Safety Form and a Camp Waiver in order for the final application package to be processed. To help facilitate a successful camp experience, we ask that you share as much information as possible on the Health & Safety Form.
If there are any changes or updates to the information requested on the Health & Safety Form after you have submitted the form, please notify us in writing at that time.
This information is considered to be confidential and will be shared amongst health care providers as needed; ie. Walk in Clinic or Emergency Health Care Providers. This information will only be shared with Camp staff on a need to know basis to ensure the physical and mental health of your child.
Only those campers for whom we have completed health information will be permitted to attend camp. As a camp, our effort to ensure a safe and healthy environment includes health promotion, of which immunization is a key component. By doing so, we align ourselves with school boards and Health Canada. As such, we request that all campers and staff at camp have received ALL mandatory immunizations. We trust that our approach places your camper’s health and safety as a major priority for every summer!
During their time at camp, your child may be photographed or videotaped by, or on behalf of, Brimacombe. By completing your child’s Camp Waiver, you give your authorization and permission for use of this image by Brimacombe for advertising, promotional and marketing purposes.
What To Pack
To ensure your camper has everything they need for a fun-filled day, be sure to download our camper packing lists:
Camper Packing List
LIT & CIT Packing ListEach group will have a designated area to keep their belongings throughout their camp day. We recommend labelling your camper’s gear with their name to ensure their items go home with them at the end of each day. Please check out Mabel's Labels and select Camp Brimacombe for some great options!
Camp Brimacombe is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items.
We want you to share in all the fun at camp, just like your camper will! We also want your camper to have access to memories that will last a life time. Seesaw allows families to see and celebrate camper experiences.
Throughout the day, Camp Brimacombe will share photos and videos of your camper(s), their creations and their adventures. That way, if your camper is too tired to answer “what did you do today?” you‘ll be confident that they had a fantastic, fun and educational day at camp!
2024 Parent & Camper Handbook
Our Parent & Camper Handbook gives you all the information you need for what to expect during your camper’s time at Camp Brimacombe.
Camper Meal Plan Add-On
Our weekly menu includes kid-friendly meals which aims to balance both healthy and nutritious choices with classic kid-favourites. Plus, our camp chef will be dressing up our meals and snacks to incorporate our fun weekly camp themes!
For only $85+tax per week, Camp Brimacombe will provide your camper with a daily main + side (based on the weekly menu below), a drink and dessert for lunch PLUS 2 snacks daily.
Camper Meal Plans can be purchased at time of registration or can be added on in advance to the camper’s first day of camp.
Extended Care Add-On
At Camp Brimacombe, we recognize that parent’s needs don’t always coincide with camp hours. We want to make the camp experience as enjoyable for you, as it is for your campers. This is where our Extended Care Program comes into play! You will be able to drop off your camper and pick them up, at times which may match your schedule more favourably.
During the Extended Care Program, campers will have time to gear up for and unwind from their day under the supervision of camp staff. Campers will engage in learning activities that provide them with the opportunity to discover and explore!
BEFORE CARE HOURS: 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
AFTER CARE HOURS: 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.RATE $85.00/week per camper
(HST Exempt)