Frequently Asked Questions
Our camp pre-sale begins September 13 through to September 30. Our next registration will launch Family Day. Stay tuned to Brimacombe’s social media or sign up for our e-newsletter to stay in the loop!
The application process begins online – click here to apply now! If you require an alternative method, you can email summercamp@brimacombe.ca, or call us at 905-983-5983 to discuss further options.
When applying for camp, make a note on your camper’s application with the first and last name of the camper(s) you wish to be in a group with. All campers must submit a request to be joined with each other.
At Camp Brimacombe, we want every camper experience to be an enjoyable one. We will make every effort to accommodate your request, but ask that you keep in mind that groups are developed based on age and developmental levels, as well as supervision needs.
Camp Brimacombe will make every effort to accommodate your request to change. As long as there is room for accommodation in the camp times you wish to change your camper to, we will do so. Camp Brimacombe will be unable to facilitate a change if the change will put supervision ratios in jeopardy. Please refer to our Refund and Transfer Policy for further details.
Cancellation Time: Up to 24 Hours from Purchase
Options: Complete Refund
Fees: N/ACancellation Time: Up to 14 Days Prior to Camp Start Date
Options: Refund or Transfer (Based on Availability)
Fees: Admin Fee of $30Cancellation Time: Less than 14 Days Prior to Camp Start Date
Options: Refund or Transfer (Based on Availability)
Fees: Cancellation Fee of $85 for refund or Admin Fee of $30 for TransferOnce camp has started, no refund or transfer options will be available for late arrivals, early withdrawal, or missed camp days.
Please note, all admin fees and cancellation fees are subject to HST and are per week, per camper.
Camp Brimacombe offers $10 off per week for Camp Alumni and Brimacombe Members.
We also offer a multi-week discount of $10 off per week when you register for 3 or more camps per camper.
Pick-Up & Drop-Off
Counsellors will be at the drop off area for 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM. Prior to this, Counsellors use their time to get ready and set up for the day.
Campers are to be picked up anytime between 4:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. If you need to pick up your child prior, please provide written notice, in advance, to summercamp@brimacombe.ca.
If you are not able to pick your child up by 4:30 p.m., please notify Camp Brimacombe and alternate arrangements will be made.
Please note, if your camper is not picked up by 4:30 p.m., Camp staff will maintain supervision until such time as duty of care can be transferred to an authorized individual. A charge of $15 per 30-minute increment will be applied for the first occurrence, and camp staff will further review the late pick-up policy with you, at the time of pick-up.
IMPORTANT: We cannot release their campers without the presentation of proper identification and/or the authorized parent/guardian/emergency contacts.
Absolutely! In order to make this process seamless, we do request some information ahead of time. On the Camper Application, you will have the opportunity to list a few other guardians (friends/family) to pick up your camper. As long as they are on your list, and can show ID at time of pick up, you do not need to let us know ahead of time- though we do appreciate advance notice.
If a camper is being picked up by someone not listed on their application, we require written notice from the parent. Please email summercamp@brimacombe.ca with the individuals name and identifying information. They will be required to show valid photo ID before your camper is released.
The Camp Experience
As Camp Brimacombe is an outdoor camp we are subjected to a variety of weather throughout the summer. Rain and thunderstorms along with extreme heat is not uncommon. In these extreme weather conditions we will seek shelter in the various buildings across the base of the camp. We are aware that these conditions are very possible throughout the summer and we have programming to reflect this.
In the absence of lightening, it is not uncommon for campers to go dancing in the rain!
Yes, we do have a lost and found!
Items found across our camp will be returned to the Lost and Found at the Main Office. If your camper misplaced an item while at Camp Brimacombe, we will do our best to help you find it. We HIGHLY. recommend labelling your campers gear with their name, to ensure their items go home with them at the end of each day. Please check out Mabel’s Labels (Select Camp Brimacombe) for some great options!
Please note: We hold valuable items that have not been claimed including wallets, cell phones, credit cards, and identification for 90 days. Items of lesser value are held for 14 days, from the time of location.
Have a question?
Contact Us!